Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

Fifteen Facts:
  1. Full Names- Liam Kaine Steven
  2. D.O.B- 10/03/93
  3. Lives in Palmerston North
  4. Hate to read!
  5. Loves playing on Trampolines
  6. Has one dog called Buddy
  7. Hates when it rains, and just wants to stay home in bed
  8. In a Relationship with Angela Ryan
  9. Has light blue eyes
  10. Has a Fear of Ants
  11. I can only breath through one Nostril
  12. Thinks that I have Claustrophobia
  13. I cant wiggle my ears :(
  14. I love watching Friends, Modern Family and The Office over and over.
  15. I believe the moon is not real, just the back of the Sun.

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